Night night…

Bree didn’t take a nap today…but we had a great day together regardless…

The day ended with me putting her down for bed earlier than normal because she was walking into walls practically she was so tired.  I tried to read a few stories to her, but she was just in “wandering mode” inside her room and after these classic lines from me to her,

“Bree, please don’t stand on your baby doll’s head”

“Bree, please don’t chew on the cardboard puzzle pieces”

I decided to call it a day…white flag went up and Bree went down!  Oh my sweet tired girl!

Bree and I have had a lot of quality time together this weekend and I am really beginning to see her evolve into a little girl.  She is forming sentences just out of nowhere.  Tonight she said, “Bree Mommy together in bed”…awesome.  It is so cool to see it start to make sense to her.  And the more the little girl comes out in her, the more of myself I see in her.  Truthfully, it’s a little spooky.  It’s all my good and bad wrapped up into a little package.  Part of me feels like she should be so much easier to deal with if we are working from the same blueprint, but now what fun would that be?!!

This weekend as a solo parent has taught me so much.  I knew I was thankful for Sean, but in the day to day moments you don’t realize how much.  Also I realized that I can be completely selfless, even though I have to take my zoloft and take some deep breaths…I can put all my love for my children on the front burners and put my selfish wants on the backburner.  Having children really does transform you in ways I’m still learning, but it is making me a better person even though some days it brings out some of my not so better traits.

I just keep remembering that I’m still a work in progress and just as God as patient with me, I need to be patient through every phase of my children’s development.  Even though Bauer’s current phase of screaming his head off if he’s not standing holding onto me or something close to me, is a tough one.

It’s Spring Break for me this week…I had some built up comp hours from this semester so I took off the week from work.  Bree is off of school and Sean plans to play with us some.  I’m brainstorming fun adventures right now…stay tuned!  Hopefully the stomach bug will run its final course through Bauer and be out of our lives for a long time to come!

About juco

The Murphy Clan is onto year 4 of this parenting adventure. We are happy to keep sharing some our proudest and silliest moments with all our family and friends. We hope you enjoy our new format!
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