This kid…

This kid…what an adventure he has led us on these past four years!  My red headed beautiful mess is turning 4 this weekend amongst cookies, presents, and lots and lots of superheros.

It’s hard to believe that this kid is already 4.  I really does seem like just yesterday that he was born right before the Beijing Olympics started and I was rocking him to sleep while watching the opening ceremonies.  I remember watching bleary eyed middle of the night Olympic coverage and cheering for Michael Phleps as he went on to become part of Olympic lore and I went on to learn that I could be a parent to two kids under two.

And here we are on the brink of the London Olympics and Bauer’s first real birthday party!

That kid has taught us a lot these past four years.

Red heads will do that…

First and foremost he’s shown us that it is okay to not take ourselves too seriously and that sometimes a good cartoon and your blanket can make any day better.

His smile makes me love a little harder each and everyday and his laugh…well that just about completes me in a way I never knew existed.

He’s a lover…that Bauer…he gives more hugs to strangers than he ever does to me or Sean!  And he can win anyone over with those sweet sweet eyes.

Thanks for letting me be a boy mom Bauer and for teaching me all there is to know about Thomas and Superheros.  What a joy it is has been!

Let’s get this birthday weekend started!

About juco

The Murphy Clan is onto year 4 of this parenting adventure. We are happy to keep sharing some our proudest and silliest moments with all our family and friends. We hope you enjoy our new format!
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