He’s asleep…actually they are both asleep

Both my kids are napping…so I finally have time to do a new blog.  I just finally got Bauer to go to sleep…YEAH! 

Week 3 of life as a foursome Murphy clan is officially over!  Amazing it has already been 3 weeks and amazing it has only been 3 weeks.

I’m not going to lie (mainly b/c I promised myself and all my friends who are not yet moms that I wouldn’t make motherhood appear all rosie and perfect all the time), Week 3 has had its trials and tribulations.  Mainly, my psyche has been on a rollercoaster ride of postpartumness!  It happened when Bree was born as well…lots of unexpected tears, lots of feelings of being way too overwhelmed, lots of “whose idea was it to have a second kid” thoughts, basically just lots of drama for my poor Sean and mom to deal with. 

But we (yes, this was a team effort) made it through.  Those crazy hormomes just send you into a false sense of “I know what I’m doing and this is going to be okay” during week 2 of having the baby home and then once your husband is back to work and you are trying to do it by yourself on week 3, the hormones perk back up and make you feel like you are never going to get through this.  But Week 4 is off to a good start.  I promised myself I wouldn’t cry today (baby steps) and so far so good…its already 4:30pm…I can do this!  No more defeatist attitude…well that’s a work in progress!  But its a goal for sure… 

I want to remember these first weeks of Bauer’s life as fabulously positive and there are some amazing moments that will go in that category, but I’m learning to be a little more gentle on myself and to not feel guilty that this is harder than I want it to be.  The whole family unit is going through a HUGE transition.  Bree didn’t eat for 4 days last week…Sean and I affectionately call it her ”Bauer Hunger Strike”.  She finally ate at the lake on Saturday her favorite meal of refried beans and taco turkey.  I think she finally figured out he was staying regardless if she starved to death or not!  She’s also sleeping through the night again…ALLELUIA!!!   So just as she is trying to figure things out, I have the right to not have everything perfect immediately as well!

So here we are…mom on the computer, baby in the bouncer at mom’s feet and Bree in her crib dreaming of refried beans! 

I would say Week 4 has some serious potential!

Pictures from Week 3 coming soon…

Thanks to everyone who has brought meals, sent encouraging notes and just been a listening ear!  Thanks to my loving husband, mom and dad for giving me an escape this weekend at the lake…that 10 hour night of sleep may have made everything okay!  I love you guys!

About juco

The Murphy Clan is onto year 4 of this parenting adventure. We are happy to keep sharing some our proudest and silliest moments with all our family and friends. We hope you enjoy our new format!
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