Dinosaurs are chasing us!

I do not write many blogs but some moments are worth it. I am very thankful Julie asked for this blog as an avenue of keeping a family time capsule.

Bennett gave me a compliment this morning that has kept my heart melted all day.

Back story…Bennett has found a love for dinosaurs lately. He loves so many things about them; there are so many different kinds, some fly, some swim, there are omnivores, there are meat-eaters, and he especially loves their names. One morning, a few weeks back, he was being a funny guy by making up fake dinosaur names. So on the way to school I started saying everything was a dinosaur. Some even chased us. A treeasaurus, a dogceratops, etc. His laughter was non-stop and he played along. But now, there is no doubt this is his game. Not mine, not Julie, no one. He asks for this every morning on the way to school and other times of us as well. Julie and I happily play along. It’s evolved a little too. E.g. we can download any dinosaur we may need for any situation using the dinosaur downloader (my garage door opener) and shoot bad ones down with the missile launcher (my orange egg-looking chapstick). He always gets the downloader and I usually get the missile launcher. He also has made up the most powerful dinosaur which he can download to solve any of the tricky situations we get into. It’s called a Treepadactlysaurus.

Julie and Bennett found five dinosaur books at the library Tuesday night. Bennett rarely doesn’t have one these books. They have pronunciation guides for each dinosaur and little factoids he can read. He’s also started to write the names of the dinosaurs on white paper he can get from my office without asking. Sometimes he’ll even add a drawing.

Dino book example

Dino book example

Bennett's papers

Bennett’s papers

A couple days ago, on the way to school, he and I discussed a dinosaur called a Maiasaura. The name does not end in an ‘s’ because it was considered more womanly in nature than manly. It’s name has a meaning which means “Good Mother”. Hearing this, he asked to call mom, who was already at work, and then told her she was a Maiasaura because she is a good mother. Pretty sweet, no doubt.

Good Mother

Good Mother

Yesterday, as I was about to shower, Bennett made up a new dinosaur he called a Triceraptor. He loves the raptor dinos and liked the new name. He asked me if we could spell it. We worked through the letters. He then said he would draw a picture of it while I showered. We discussed that tri means it should have three of something and he was off and I was showering! He ended up giving it three spikes. On the way to school a triceraptor chased us. Bennett decided I needed to shoot it down with my missiles but it can pop my missiles with its spikes. So we had to download a treepadactylsaurus which broke off the spikes one by one. When all three were broken off, I was then allowed to shoot it down with my missiles.



Which brings me to today and why I actually wrote a blog. Benny had a bit of an upset tummy this morning. It could be poop, it could be something else. Regardless, we hugged for like 5 minutes straight. It was awesome. Then he was better and ready to go to school. On the way to school, after we were fully armed with downloader and missile launcher, I asked if a triceraptor was going to chase us and he said no, they were good dinosaurs. Then he said: “Did you know triceraptor says Good Father?” I asked what he meant. He said “like maiasaura says Good Mother, triceraptor says Good Father. And do you know why?” I asked why and he replied “Because you are triceraptor and you’re a Good Father.” I mean….heart melted.

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