Family Traditions

I’m a fan of tradition.  I like doing certain events year in and out.  I think it gives me a sense of control over making memories in this often chaotic world.  And let’s be honest, I like control!

Once Sean and I became a family unit it became even more important, but immensely more difficult as we barely stayed in the same house or city for more than a year at a time.  But we’ve still managed to carve out a few traditions that happen regardless of our nomadic tendencies.

One of my favorites has to do with my job…well, kind of.

Each year Arlington holds its own Parade of Lights.  Since UT Arlington is one of the biggest parts of the community, there is a float devoted solely to the university.  I am lucky enough to work in the department in charge of said float.  So our family doesn’t just go see the Parade of Lights each year…we ride in the parade.

It’s our 15 minutes of fame in Arlington, TX and each year the kids get more and more into it. This year Bree yelled “Merry Christmas” and “Go Mavs” to many a parade spectator!  Such a professional float rider already!

This year the weather was perfect…just chilly enough to bundle up in our cute jackets and hats!  We got to the parade float staging area and were ready to wave and cheer our little Murphy hearts out!

Bree had to have a few cheetos to get her in a “float-riding” mood!

I think Bauer would have been a bigger fan of the float riding process if his hat didn’t cover his eyes every time he moved!

Our UTA family…Bauer, Bree, Harper, Grace (Reese not pictured).  One day they might actually all look at the camera and have their eyes open!

Bree found hiding out under the star of the Big “A” to be quite fun!

One of my bffs, Cathy and Bauer’s future wife, Reese!

Cathy again won Mother of the Moment award by bringing maracas, lollipops and fruit snacks for all the kids.  I seriously love this woman.

Bree and her amazing daddy!

Bauer minus his hat and me chillin’ with the big “A”!

Now it really feels like the holidays are off to a great start!  We hope to parade in Arlington for many years to come!

About juco

The Murphy Clan is onto year 4 of this parenting adventure. We are happy to keep sharing some our proudest and silliest moments with all our family and friends. We hope you enjoy our new format!
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