Always the student…

I am a perceptual student in the world of parenting.  I’m always trying to figure out how to do it better, trying not to beat myself for royally screwing up, and in the midst of it all try to enjoy each moment.

It is a hard job to say the least. 6 months back into working full-time has left us with little time at home in the mornings and evenings during the week and I’m trying to make every minute count.  Quality time in the midst of getting myself dressed, three kids dressed, fed and out or in the door is sometimes NOT GOING TO HAPPEN.  But it doesn’t make me miss this quality time any less.  We are finding a way to the middle ground slowly but surely.

Yesterday, I can across this link on Pinterest and it really hit home.  Just two easy things I can do to change my language and my attitude.  Easier said than done, but at least its a new strategy!

5. Just Say “Yes”

“I stop what I’m doing and spend special time with them when they ask me to wherever possible. Often that takes less time than explaining to them why I don’t have time, and it makes them more tolerant of the times they have to wait since they understand that I will make time for them when I can.” — MaryAnne from Mama Smiles

“Instead of saying ‘in five minutes’ any time they ask me to do something I say ‘for five minutes’” – Charlotte from Make Do and Friend

And if I’m successful it will just make everyone happier….and that’s the ultimate outcome, right???

Who wouldn’t want to say YES to these faces?

Love these little faces and that I get a new chance to be a better mom each and every day!

About juco

The Murphy Clan is onto year 4 of this parenting adventure. We are happy to keep sharing some our proudest and silliest moments with all our family and friends. We hope you enjoy our new format!
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