Leapin’ Lizards…another snow day

So the UTA administrators teased me a bit today by saying they wanted me to come in at noon, but luckily around 10am they changed their minds and the school was closed for SNOW DAY #2….happy dance.

It was a fabulous snow day which really could be called the “Warm Up/Ice Melt Day”, but really it just involved another day off in Murphyland and that is all that matters.

Today we took a family trip to this place called Leapin’ Lizards.  One of the moms (thanks Raven) in the moms’ group I am a member of (not a very good member mind you, but I am on the email list) recommended it to us and we decided that this afternoon was as good as any to try it out.  I really thought it would be rather crowded seeing as it was a snow day for most of the ISD’s in the metroplex, but we pretty much had the place to ourselves.  It is such a fun place with big bounce house type rides, big slides (think Chick-Fil-A playland) and a toddler room with lots of toys for Bree to abuse that she didn’t have to pick up.  It’s any  2 year old’s dream come true.  And that of the parents as well…

There were walls to climb…

There was shopping to do…

There were tunnels to conquer…

There were costumes for Daddy to wear (Harrison, my friend’s son, was way more impressed than Bree)…

There were new framable pictures to take…

There was a baby’s room to play in…

There were lots of stairs to climb (Bauer and I were great spotters)…

There were boxing matches to fight (Bree and Bauer have the “coolest” parents)…

There were slides to take Bauer down…

Huge slides to show off on…

And finally a car to snuggle up in…

So much fun can tucker a little (or big) 6 month old out…

Happy snow day everyone…and check out Leapin’ Lizards if you want to have a really fun time!

About juco

The Murphy Clan is onto year 4 of this parenting adventure. We are happy to keep sharing some our proudest and silliest moments with all our family and friends. We hope you enjoy our new format!
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